世界观速讯丨深海钻井再次蓬勃发展 海上钻机租金再上涨18%

2023-06-14 08:22:50来源:中国石化新闻网

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博新闻社2023年6月12日报道,全球知名能源顾问公司伍德麦肯兹公司公布的数据显示,由于在数百米深的海水中进行石油钻探作业再次蓬勃发展,海上钻机的租金预计将在过去几年翻一番后再上涨18%。





李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社


Offshore rig prices climb amidst deepwater drilling boom

Drilling for oil in miles-deep ocean water is booming again with rig-rental prices forecast to climb another 18% after doubling over the past couple years, according to Wood Mackenzie Ltd.

Prices to rent the most advanced offshore drilling rigs averaged $420,000 a day for the first half of this year, as roughly 90% of the industry’s active fleet is contracted for work, the energy consultant wrote Monday in a report, surpassing pre-Covid levels. Rig rates may hit $500,000 a day or more by the end of the year, it added.

“Higher oil prices, the focus on energy security and deepwater’s emissions advantages have supported deepwater development and, to some extent, boosted exploration,” Leslie Cook, an analyst at Wood Mackenzie, wrote in the report.

In recent years, owners of sea-going rigs have been scrapping vessels that at the height of the deepwater boom commanded rents of more than $500,000 a day. The offshore industry is showing signs of a rebirth, particularly for floating rigs that can operate in seas deeper than about 300 feet (90 meters), as the world’s biggest oilfield contractors expect growth to shift away from shale in coming years.

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )

